Another big anouncement

That’s right, we’re selling Wills Casa Dos (pause for dramatic effect).

We’ve been talking about moving for a surprisingly long time (for people with a blog dedicated to their house anyways) and decided about a month ago that it was time for us to move westward, closer to Amber’s family.

At the beginning of the summer we started looking at some houses to get a feel for neighborhoods in our price range. We found a couple of houses that we liked and a specific neighborhood, so we decided to get the house ready and try and sell it. It was officially on the market about 12 days ago.

There’s a certain amount of sadness thinking about this house not being done, but we feel like we’ve passed the point in which any more money being put into the house will be recooperated.

We’ve learned a lot from this house and there’s a ton of stuff we would do differently. So it looks like we’re going to get a chance.

The good news is that the houses we are looking at (we have our hearts set on one right now) are really old and need a lot of work. So the blog will live on (I’m sure everyone was really worried about that), and the projects will only get bigger.

Here’s to hoping we get the house we want (It’s already got a contingency offer on it)! So we needthis house to sell soon, so we can get started on the next phase of our Home Improvement adventures. Our mantra for the last 2 weeks has been: Out of Casa Dos and into Casa Tres! Sit tight, it’s gonna be a fun journey.

In case you want to buy our house (please), contact our realtor Pam Snowden. I’m sure she would be happy to assist you.

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