August Goal Check

1. Complete at least 1 crafty project per month.

I finished Ramona’s beach cover up after a year of stashing it away. It’s incredibly cute, but of course not as cute as Ramona. I made another nursing cover too, because it’s my go to for baby showers now.

2. Read at least 1 book per month.

So I can’t hide my love of young adult books. Whatever. You can’t make me grow up. I read Divergent and Insurgent. It’s very similar to the Hunger Games series. It took me a while to get into it because of that. It’s futuristic with a strong female main character. There’s no love triangle which is a huge plus, but the boyfriend/girlfriend thing is pretty dysfunctional. Maybe I am just too old to read books for teens, but seriously those kids have some communication issues they need to fix before they get together.

Overall I would say the books are pretty addictive and make you want to stay up late to find out what’s going to happen, but I wouldn’t classify them as a must read. They are somewhere above average but below Hunger Games. Best review ever?

3. Do more fun things with Ramona.

Ramona was a little spoiled this month with the beach and a trip to Disneyworld. It seriously is the happiest place on earth even when you have a fussy toddler.

Ramona rode her first official roller coaster. She absolutely loved it. She can also do a pretty sweet reenactment of how it went with her hands (sound effects included).

4. Journal every day.

August means the end of summer (not the end of heat though). Ramona had her first day of mother’s day out on the 30th. I really am going to miss being with her everyday, but I’m glad we can start having a clean house and projects done again. She loves school and was so excited to go back.


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