Just the Three of Us

Our days as a family of three are numbered. I am going in early Sunday morning to be induced with baby #2. We are so excited and extremely nervous. It’s been nearly 4 years since I had Ramona.  Our lives have changed drastically more than we could have ever anticipated. Obviously for the better. Ramona is our world.

After Nick installed the car seat, he came in and proclaimed that at 28 he felt too old to be having a baby. We both laughed but also understood what he actually meant. We have a toddler, and this newborn stage seems like a distant memory. Something of the past except that it’s also our very near future too.

We were so clueless about being parents like every new parent. Nothing can prepare you for parenthood. Nothing. Every child and family is different, so it’s a guessing game to find what works. We’ve been so nervous because we feel like it’s the same thing with adding another child into the mix. Full of unexpected twists and new problems along with amazing memories and heart melting emotions.

There’s also the fear that I’ve been battling the entire pregnancy. What if something goes wrong? That fear wasn’t as strong when I had Ramona. Don’t get me wrong I was terrified of the childbirth part, but the fear this time is different. Maybe we are just more knowledgeable now about what can go wrong. Maybe our previous miscarriage woke us up to pregnancy risks. Maybe it’s the crazy stage of life we are at now especially with regards to our living situation. I can’t say for sure, but it’s been a very anxious pregnancy.

I denied all the testing to find abnormalities in utero. Mainly because it wasn’t going to make a difference. This baby will be given to us exactly how he/she should be. I figure the last thing anyone needs is something to fret about when there is no changing the situation anyway. I denied the tests with Ramona too.

We are also nervous about how a new baby will change the current family dynamic. Ramona has been it for 4 years. She is used to constant attention and immediate responses. She is so excited to be a big sister. She has wanted to be one for over a year now, but she’s 4. She doesn’t really understand what bringing a baby home means. We both want her to feel just as loved because I know our love for her won’t change or diminish just because we have another child.

Every thing I’ve ever read about having a second child is that your love just doubles. It’s not split. It’s multiplied. (I also selfishly hope this is true because Nick and I are both second children.) It’s difficult to imagine having the capability to love more but then I realize we already do. This baby has been much anticipated, and we most assuredly are anxiously waiting.

Despite all the fears and no matter what, we are so excited to meet this baby on Sunday. We know that even if there is sibling difficulty paired with the lack of sleep and general newborn haze it will be completely worth it. We are so blessed even if somedays we need a reminder.

Can’t wait to meet Baby Wills and become a family of 4. No matter how surreal it feels right now.

Photos by J. Noel Photography in Austin, TX

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30 Responses to Just the Three of Us
  1. Jessica says:

    So well said. I currently have only one little man and still can’t quite imagine bringing another one in the picture. I look forward to hearing about your sweet new baby and can’t wait to see if you have a boy or a girl. Exciting, sweet, lovely, exhausting times ahead. At least this time, you have full knowledge that you will get through it and it always gets better. Thinking of you all!

    • Amber says:

      Thanks Jessica! It’s so crazy that we are about to actually have another kid. I have a feeling Bodhi lives the same kind of life Ramona does. The sweet only child rewards. :)

  2. Aw, this is such a beautiful post. I can see what you mean about knowing more and that creating more fear the second time around. But that beautiful baby will melt all those fears away.

    Hugs! so happy for you!

  3. So happy for your little family! Best of luck to you on Sunday :)

  4. Very happy for your expanding family. It’s definitely harder, but also more joyous. The funny thing is the baby is easy, it’s the toddler that gets ya. For us, our 2 yo was moving chairs and climbing furniture everytime Lisa sat down to breastfeed. Chasing her around is the tiring part.

    We skipped the tests too for the very same reason. We actually told them to stop bringing it up with us. I have a younger brother with severe CP and he has been an immeasurable blessing. He’s impacted way more people than I ever will despite his condition and we’re better people as a result.

    You guys will be fine.

    • Amber says:

      You are naming my fears John! Ramona is already super um…spirited (that’s the nice way of saying wild right?), so I feel like the craziness will be worse when she knows I can’t stop her immediately! The upside is I feel like there will be lots to laugh at and memorable shenanigans.

      In this case I think ignorance is bliss. You’re right that your children are a blessing no matter what obstacles you face. Thanks for the words of encouragement and the proof that we can survive this! :)

  5. cassie says:

    these are beautiful! what a gorgeous lady you are and such a lovely family! and i wish my hair looked like ramona’s. 😉

    • Amber says:

      Thank you! It’s curled actually. It looks almost naturally curly here just because it was literally 102 when we were shooting these, so it got frizzy!

  6. I’m sure you know this, but these photos are SO GOOD. Your whole family is in my thoughts these next couple of days. My fingers are crossed for an easy birth + a healthy baby! Lots of love!

    • Amber says:

      I know they turned out so amazing! Going to Austin for the shoot was totally worth it! The locations around South Congress and the outstanding photographer were more than we could have hoped for! Maybe next time we will go to Ann Arbor. Christmas photos? :)

  7. These pictures are so beautiful. Amber, you are GORGEOUS. I’m so excited for you guys. I’m the same way with anxiety regarding our baby being born and things going wrong. Especially since this baby wasn’t technically “supposed to ever happen” according to every doctor I’ve ever seen. I’m sure it will be a huge adjustment for Ramona to get used to, but she is going to just love over this baby all the time. My big sister is 4 1/2 years older than me, and we have such a strong relationship. I hope everything goes well on Sunday. We’ll definitely be thinking about y’all!

    • Amber says:

      Thanks Kenz! Don’t let that anxiety get you! (Yes I should take my own advice sometimes.) Evelyn was always in God’s plan and that’s all that matters. I can’t wait for Wills children and the Crowders (or Burtons according to Nick) to tear up a blogging conference then subsequently start a blog about what it’s like to have blogging parents. Oh yeah I’ve planned this out!

  8. Thinking of you guys on Sunday! Can’t wait to see the new baby. Such lovely pictures you got :)

    • Amber says:

      Thank you! We had an amazing photographer! She was incredible to work with even on such an insanely hot day! Why am I always pregnant during the Texas summers?!

  9. Ramona is absolutely adorable. My kids are 4 years apart and I can say that it was the best decision for us. She will be great with a baby. She’s old enough to understand and even help a little. You’ll be surprised.
    I wish you the best of luck for Sunday.

    • Amber says:

      Thank you Julia! I know Ramona wants to help even with the stinky diapers. I think I’ll have a hard time figuring out how to balance that. I’m a little bit of a control freak! Although I know I’ll need the help even if it’s from a 4 year old! :)

  10. Nichole S. says:

    Best Blog yet! Awwww what a sweet, sweet family and those pics are just precious. But seriously, you look gorgeous with those bangs!!! Of course Mr. Nick looks great and Nona looks like a little doll. Can’t wait to see what the newest “Wills” is going to look like:)

    • Amber says:

      Thank you Nichole! You need to book with that photographer! She’s amazing and so reasonable! Wills babies look like Wills – all of them – so I’m assuming the baby will look exactly like Nick. Ramona did as an infant. It was crazy!

  11. Tamsyn says:

    Absolutely gorgeous photos. Having our second changed so much and nothing at all, if that makes sense. Good luck on Sunday, you will be amazing xxoo

  12. You all are adorable! I worry like crazy about my dog so I can only imagine something that comes from my uterus. Yikes. What I mean to say, is that you all got this. 😉

    • Amber says:

      Haha I’m sure Ike would make a fantastic big brother when the time comes. My favorite line from Scrubs is children are basically like dogs that slowly learn how to talk. So true. Also you can’t leave them at home alone, but other than that they are pretty much the same. 😉

  13. Most beautiful maternity/paternity/sibling photos ever award goes to you, Wills Family. Beckett is adorable. So happy for you guys!

  14. Oh I love this post. How did I miss this one. So beautifully written. I am so happy for your guys. Sniffle :)

  15. Your statement about nothing can prepare you for parenthood and having a second child is so so true. Now that your baby boy is here, isn’t it so crazy how your heart and love really does multiply?! It’s truly amazing.

    PS: I denied all testing for my two children as well, for the same reasons as yours. They’re perfect no matter what, right!?

    • Amber says:

      That instant and unconditional love you feel towards your kids is pretty amazing. And to think it’s limitless!

      They are perfect regardless. The amount of love you feel doesn’t change no matter what circumstance you are dealt!