Welcome Back Wills

Nick and I decided one of our resolutions this year would be to retry this whole blog thing. We got so far behind in our first attempt that we just stopped altogether. Blogging is the best way for us to stay on track with our goals with home improvement, design, and our everyday lives with Ramona.

Plus I am staying home now, so I should be able to manage my time well enough (um sounds like another resolution) to maintain the blog as we complete our projects. Of course it won’t be all about completing projects. Not because we don’t have enough projects around here, but we want to share about us not just our money pit of a house one aspect of our lives.

Nick in all his amazing internet skills labored over the design and layout of this blog. I did contribute with brainstorming and my note taking skills, but I don’t have the know how to create it. We feel like we have a clear vision on what we want this blog to be to us. We tried running 2 blogs: Wills Casa Dos and Wills Family Circus. It didn’t work for us. Now we are running 1 blog, but we are separating our little details in life (like say Ramona’s wonderful potty training experience) under the life tab on the menu bar.

I promise to keep this up. Partly because I love looking at what we have accomplished. Sometimes it’s hard to see the progress when you look at the long list of things left to be done. But mainly I need to justify spending money to Nick.

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2 Responses to Welcome Back Wills
  1. Great to read a bit about the back story :) Welcome back to blogging. I just left my blog for dead most of the year… I know where you are coming from 😉 Here is to more blogging in the new year….

    • Amber says:

      Thanks! Blogging is a much bigger commitment than most realize. I know we didn’t realize it when we started the first time. We have had a few weeks where we’ve been quiet, but it’s not bad for a first year!