Cleaning House Up in Here

Despite the constant beat down of keeping a sparkling house for showings (imagine that with a toddler), we have somehow managed to knock out some house cleaning on the blog too. We created pages for our tutorials and our projects on the navigation bar.

It is something we have been wanting to do for a very long time because searching for our bigger projects and tutorials can be slightly overwhelming. It’s only going to get worse as we do more, and we will do more friends.

Some of the projects and tutorials overlap, but we still wanted to put them in both since technically they are both. That way you don’t have to think twice about whether it was a project or if it came with some instructions! Looking back on the big things we’ve accomplished in the past 10 months it’s pretty amazing. Thank you blog for making me do stuff.

Go peruse the tutorials and/or projects especially if you are a new reader.

We also added more connect buttons because we want to connect…with you…in a bad way. We started a twitter a while ago but haven’t been overly active on it. However with facebook not showing our updates to everyone (dislike), we want to pay more attention to our twitter. And we think you should too. Go follow us since no one else does, and it’s depressing. I need this people.

We have a very neglected instagram that I want you to follow too. I really want our instagram to be antique finds especially things we see that are awesome, but we don’t need. If you live in the DFW area, then you definitely need to follow. We might turn into your personal shoppers except that we won’t buy it and delivery it to you. It’s really hard to get motivated to instagram when you have 1 follower…yes I know so sad. It’s our fault we aren’t active on there yet. However the first picture we ever posted was liked by Mat Sanders (Domino Mag), so at least we have that going for us.

I know I am shamelessly begging for followers on twitter and instagram, but I’m not going to apologize folks. We need you. To follow us. On said social media outlets.

Finally we listed our categories out on the side bar, so you can waste spend hours navigating through various posts from a specific…well…category. Say you want to read all my posts about the kitchen, click on the kitchen category. Bam. So easy. Just thinking of you friends. I want all those hours that you spend on wills casa to be as productive as possible. It has absolutely nothing to do with making it easier for me to pull up my old content. Okay well maybe that has a lot to do with it too, but no matter how you look at it everyone is winning here.

In summary, go look at the tutorials and projects page. Then follow us on facebook, twitter, and instagram.

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