House Hunting: The Show is Over

Alright it’s time to eliminate some houses and let you know our decisions.

We eliminated the Victorian fixer upper first. This home is very style specific. The style being not ours. The project is just too overwhelming for this stage in our lives (toddler + one on the way). Plus it really isn’t set up for a growing family in 2013. Come on 1874 be more forward thinking.

Also the ghosts.

Next to cross off the list was the historic home in our dream neighborhood. Even though we’d love to be in this area, this just isn’t our house. The foundation and lack of natural light were deal breakers. It’s even been significantly reduced in price since we toured it, but it’s just not it.

Finally the restored colonial in Weatherford…was also crossed off the list! This home is gorgeous and under budget. However we felt like we would be pouring money into this place with very little return on investment. It was more of a style issue than an updating issue. Also that kitchen was going to be a huge undertaking that would require professionals and beams to hold the upstairs in place. No thanks.

Please don’t kill us for leading you on all week. First we underestimated the blogosphere’s response to our house hunting. Second we wanted to explain our next move as thoroughly as possible.

Since the house we wanted sold, we have continued to search for houses. When we sold our home, we were still looking. We moved into my parents…and kept looking. We are looking in a very large area and only found 3 houses over the last 4-5 months.

We were faced with a hard decision. Do we continue to wait around for something to maybe pop up or do we pursue other options? Remember there’s a baby in my belly, and did I mention we are staying at my parents? Am I painting a dire enough picture for you?

When we bought both of our previous houses, we knew the second we walked in that they were IT. We didn’t come close to feeling that this time around. I was really stressing, and we knew it was time to do something else.

So we did. Or we are rather. The Wills are building a completely custom home. We have a ton to share with you about the process thus far. You already know we are sneaky, so yes we have a few things up our sleeves.

Do you hate us for leading you on? I hope not. I’m sorry. Are you as excited as we are about building a home with literally no rules? Seriously the options are endless, and your opinions are needed to get this sucker built.


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24 Responses to House Hunting: The Show is Over
  1. Uhhh that was mean.

    But this is also exciting!

    • Amber says:

      I know, but I really wanted to show that we tried to find something. Also this building thing is crazy, and you’re going to love hearing about it!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Oh fun! Love that you are building a custom house, time to let your personalities shine!
    Are you going to tell us where?!?

    • Amber says:

      Yes we are going to get into all the details next week. Of course we won’t reveal the exact location, but I promise you will have a lot (hint, hint) of information.

  3. Allison Lawson says:

    I am so happy for you!! I can’t wait to see your home once it is built!

  4. Ooooo, fun! I love me a good house build.

    • Amber says:

      Thanks Michelle! Hopefully we will be able to build a good house! Ha it’s been interesting so far, and we’ve barely gotten into the project.

  5. Oh nice! Excited to see what finishes and layouts you choose!

    • Amber says:

      We will share the layout information very soon. I can’t wait to get into the nitty gritty of the finish out and see the whole project come together!

  6. Taryn says:

    Honestly, none of the options you presented seemed great, so I was a little nervous to see what you had chosen. This seems like a best-case scenario for you guys, in my opinion, haha! Congrats and good luck with the new construction!

    • Amber says:

      Whew I’m glad that you could see our existing options were pretty bleak. I’m sure we could have worked with one of them, but we might as well get what we want if we can. I agree this is the best-case scenario especially at this point in our lives. I really didn’t want to build at first, but now I’m really excited about it and just ready to get underway!

  7. cassie says:

    ooh you tease! can’t wait to see your new home come to life!

  8. Lauren says:

    I was wondering how you were going to make any of the three work and was waiting for you to post “Surprise! No one wanted this house so the bank GAVE it to us and that’s why we chose it!” But I guess no one is that lucky and a custom home sounds awesome!

    • Amber says:

      That would have made for the craziest house hunting story ever. If I could have made that happen, then I would gladly have taken the free house. I mean there should be some compensation for revitalizing an old home and free sounds just about right!

  9. I forgive you for leading us on. Aaron and I actually keep tossing around the idea of selling our house to do a new build. With the market as it is, we could sell now and make $50k+ which would be a lovely down payment on a new build. But of course, we have a few things to finish in our house before listing it is a possibility. I’m really excited to see and read all about your new home! It will be perfect. Congrats!

    • Amber says:

      The market is very similar here. Things are selling fast and very high so even with a decent budget we aren’t finding anything worth it. We will be your guinea pigs on building. First lesson it’s probably not smart to build while pregnant. Ha! Can’t wait to see how your kitchen comes together! Please stay there for a while because I know there’s lots of amazing things on the horizon for the Crowders!

  10. I just stumbled upon your blog (although apparently I liked you on FB months ago – who knew?). I love it. I love your style and I am so excited “Wills Casa” stumbled into my blog-radar right before you start detailing the building of your future home. VERY exciting! Congrats. Looking forward to reading more about it!

    • Amber says:

      Awesome. You couldn’t have found us at a better time! Hopefully we can entertain you along the way. All I ever hear about building is that it’s so stressful and you better have a strong marriage, so I’m sure there will be lots of drama. I feel like I should have applied for a TLC show with all the potential drama like living with my parents, being pregnant, building…that has to be good entertainment right? Seriously though we are so glad you found us!

  11. I ain’t mad atcha! I LOVED reading through these house hunting posts so I secretly, selfishly want you to just keep living with your parents and just keep right on house hunting and being pregnant for a long time. (Ouch! That would be terrible. Don’t listen to me at all.)

    But YAY!! Congratulations on the custom home! I seriously can’t wait to read every detail. I mean EVERY DETAIL. I LOVE this junk! :)

    • Amber says:

      Oh good I was actually worried people would be angry at us! I could have just stretched out the house hunting thing and looked at houses that I knew I wouldn’t want for everyone’s entertainment, but I figure that would annoy my realtors (who are also my parents and housemates at this point). Plus we really needed to start the build process which is so much longer on a custom job.

      I promise to share every detail – boarding on over sharing!

  12. Ha ha ha… I am actually relieved you did not choose any of them :) They did not have the right potential for you and I also didn’t really feel the love oozing from you on any of them.

    I am so ready for you to build a house ha ha :) I will live vicariously through you and reminisce about when we did the same way back when.

    Can’t wait to see what you do, where, the floor plan. Ohhh the floor plan is something I am especially escited about, and then following along with each nail, stud and pipe that goes into this new creation of yours. Yay!!!!

    • Amber says:

      I knew you’d be on our side! I took notes on your build in the 90s, so watch for similarities! I can’t wait to share the floor plan and lot info with everyone. I wanted to say something weeks ago but held off until things were finalized! Most difficult 2 weeks of my life (starting the drama early).

      We are soooo ready to build!